

I am a woman who refuses to be defined by roles, even though, at times, I’m a willing actor in many such roles. There is nothing I enjoy more than a great meal, good conversation with interesting friends, and quality time spent with family. However, I feed from the Mind of all that is and ever will be. In service to that god, I appoint myself the Authentic Imp! Β My blog is my way of utilizing my original poetry, flash fiction, memoir, creative essay, itsy bitsy insights, and the occasional rant, to say what I see in OUR world.


Please stop by again soon.

16 comments on “About

  1. I can so easily lose myself, meandering quietly, in in the cool, dark pools of thought reverberating out from these words… i find your accompanying images are profound and touching…

    I have always found in you a spirit sister, and i always find myself deeply glad at our brief meetings… even though our paths seem to take us on separate journeys, your words and impressions have always stayed with me…

    I am so glad to find your reflections shared here

  2. The poem you wrote, Percocet Pirouette Pantoum, is powerful. I have read all of your blogs and admire your courage in sharing yourself with us…thank you.

    • Wow! Really? Thank you very much Nicole, I’m so flattered! Wow, so, I’m just getting started here in the blogosphere. Just beginning to get to know a handful of bloggers, so I don’t know if I can come up with a long list but I will give it my best shot! Wow, BIG SMILE. Thank you so much!

  3. You’re welcome! I came across your blog on The Blog Farm and checked it out here, too. I had no idea that you are as new to the blogosphere as I; it makes me happy to pass the award on to another newbie. Don’t worry about how many you include on your list – short is always simple and sweet. I wish you much success! πŸ™‚

  4. So happy to have discovered your blog. I appreciate your comment on my PTSD post on my blog (Sunshine and Salad). I’m looking forward to reading your words – they are wise and true.

  5. Hey there! I haven’t goten a chance to go through your entire blog. But i like what you write. And thank you for liking my post. Hoping to get to read more of your stuff πŸ™‚

  6. Hello, you have got a nice blog up here. Keep sharing and keep inspiring, my friend. πŸ™‚

    I also would like to thank you for following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint you. Many blessings and much love to you. πŸ™‚

    Subhan Zein

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